"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened" (Matthew 7:7-11)

The above verse offers encouragement that truth does exist, and not only does it exists, but it can and will be found by those who honestly seek after it. This site is dedicated to this quest. We hope it will help you in your personal Search of Truth.

The following list of links are meant to be helpful towards your Bible study and pursuit of truth.  Listing does not imply complete agreement, but the scholarly resources can be invaluable.  Many of the more academic resources reflect a "modern" flavor and doctrines of men. Some sites are listed for refernce only, rather than a source of sound doctrine.

[Academic and Scholarly]  [Apologetics and Evidences] [Archeology]  [Audio Content] [Bibles and Translations]  [Bookstores] [Channels and Periodicals]  [Commentaries]  [Church History]  [Concordances]  [Dictionaries]  [Foreign Languages and Works]  [Large Organizations]  [Lexicons and Bible Words]  [Local Congregations]  [Maps and Photos]  [Personal Pages]  [Sermon Helps]  [Online Bible Correspondence Courses]  [Other Resources]

Academic and Scholarly Apologetics and Evidences Archeology

Bibles and Translations

Audio Content



Church and Restoration History  Concordances Dictionaries

Large Organizations

Local Congregations

Foreign Languages, Works, and Cultures

Sermon Helps

Studies and Correspondence Courses

Channels and Periodicals Personal Pages

Many thanks to Thomas Keese for researching and fixing most of the broken links!

Your page not listed? To list your web-site with us, just e-mail us and indicate which of our sections in which your site would belong.

Unless otherwise noted, all quotations are from the New King James Version, copyright © 1994 by Thomas Nelson Publishers.

Questions and Comments can be sent to us using this form. Logo, name, and graphics are copyrighted by © insearchoftruth.org 1999, 2017. All other content is hereby released to the public domain, and therefore, may be freely copied and distributed without inquiry. However, it would be appreciated if you provided a link back to our site.

All material on this site is informational only and provided "as is" without warranties, representations, or guarantees of any kind. insearchoftruth.org disclaims any and all implied warranties respecting your judgment before God. Only Jesus can stand beside you in final judgment; however, insearchoftruth.org is unqualified to guarantee His representation. Use of insearchoftruth.org is entirely at your own risk and is not a substitute for conducting your own honest Bible study and search for truth.


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